Monday 31 March 2014

Anti-smoking campaigns near you

Have a look around to help your community to be smoke free. Did you find any anti-smoking campaign? If yes just join it if no I have one good one to join.

No Smoking Day is a quit smoking campaign which has been running since Ash Wednesday in 1983, when it was called Quit for the day.
The campaign is re-designed for providing quit smoking aid every year to help spur smokers into action.
Its mission is to appeal to smokers of all types - whatever their age, sex or social class. It  publicize and explain the help that smokers can get when they want to stop, and capture the attention of the media with lots of supportive TV, newspaper and radio coverage.

No Smoking Day is a great opportunity to quit smoking
These quit smoking programs helps smokers to stop smoking whenever they want.
There are health and other benefits to stopping smoking
What they don’t do
·         Try to force smokers to stop - No Smoking Day is for smokers who want to quit
·         Harass smokers - it's not about banning smoking, or picking on smokers
·         Leave quitters high and dry - smokers need support before and after No Smoking Day.
Kindly share your views about any other quit smoking campaign.

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