Saturday, 15 March 2014

Best and easy way to quit smoking.

Can you believe it?  You can say no to smoke by using some natural ways of quitting smoke. Try these following easy tips to quit smoking at home.

·         List your reasons for quitting smoke - health, family, money.
·         Write down some new hobbies you can do instead of smoking – exercise, knitting, making model airplanes- something to keep your hands and mind busy.

Figure 1.quit smoking. [Photograph] by Drake Jay Willis, April 16, 2013.
Adapted from

·         Speak with friends, family, and colleagues and ask for support. Tell them about your plan to quit, so it feels more real to you.
·         Start making the changes to quitting smoke - stop smoking in the house and in the car. Make your house and car smoke-free, so no one is allowed to smoke inside.
·         Don’t smoke, not even a little.
·         Toss out your cigarettes, other tobacco, and ashtrays.
·         Avoid people and situations where you will be tempted to smoke. If you usually smoke in a certain chair, don’t sit in that chair. If you usually smoke at a nightclub, avoid that nightclub for a while. Change your usual routine, so your new routine doesn’t include smoking.
·         Go for a walk instead of a smoke.
·         Get help from support groups, counselors and your local quit line
·         Take it one day at a time. Remind yourself that once the withdrawal is over, you’ll feel better than you have in years. You deserve to feel better…. You’re almost there!
·         Celebrate your success and give yourself credit! Tell people how long you’ve been quit. It's a major achievement and you should be proud.

·         Be positive. Believe in yourself and your plan.

Do you know any other Natural ways to quit smoking or ideas to share?