Thursday, 13 March 2014

Second hand smoking and effects on health

Second Hand smoking is as dangerous as actual smoking!

Inhalation of smoking by standing near active smoker is called second hand smoking. It is also known as passive smoking. The dangers of smoking are same in active and passive smoking. It is categorized into two types:
·        Side stream smoke
·        Mainstream smoke
Side stream smoke means smoke from the cigarettes, cigars or pipes. Mainstream smoke means smoke exhaled by smoker itself. Main stroke smoke is less harmful as compared to that of Side stream smoke which contains more toxic substances and has smaller particles which get inside the body more easily.
Nonsmokers inhale the same toxic chemicals the smokers do. Effect of tobacco can also be noticed on SHS.
Many agencies have classified SHS as harmful as normal smoking. Tobacco smoke contains harmful toxics and particles which cause cancer and contains more than seven thousand chemical compounds. 69 chemicals cause cancer. Lung cancer is also associated with lung cancer and it may also cause lymphoma, leukemia and brain tumors.
There are study in progress to relate SHS and breast cancer. Nearly 20 chemicals are known in smoke which causes cancer in rodents. 

SHS is harmful in followings ways:
                      ·            42000 persons die of heart disease which never smokes.
                      ·            Around 3400 deaths are noticed of cancer.
                      ·            1 million children have asthma related diseases.
The cost of SHS related medical care is reported nearly 10 billion in United States.
Second hand smoking can be the major source at work, public places, home and car.

How we can save our family or friends to become SHS?

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