Monday, 24 March 2014

Some Mind Boggling Smoking Facts:

Most of the time smokers don’t realize that smoking is not only destructive to them but also to the people who get exposed to harmful fumes. Here are few unknown facts about smoking:
1.      Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on this planet and with business of more than $400 billion, cigarette manufacturing is one of the largest industries.
2.      North-American brands such as Marlboro, Kool, Camel and Kent hold roughly 70% of the international cigarette market.
3.      Smoking kills about 37,000 Canadians annually.
4.      And second-hand smoke kills 1100-7800 Canadians each year besides causing many serious health issues such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, circulatory problems, high blood pressure, and sleep problems and so on.
5.      Many of the chemicals used in cigarettes (over 4000 in total) are extremely harmful and have been known to cause cancer.
6.      It’s NOT illegal for a minor to smoke, conflicting to the popular social belief, parents are very much within the law to allow their kids to smoke despite their age. However the SALE of tobacco products is highly regulated with legal legislation.

What do think about these facts? Comment to add in more facts.